Ascendia Pharmaceuticals Will be in Boston for AAPS

(and We Have Somebody New We Would Like You to Meet)


Ascendia Pharmaceuticals is happy to welcome you once again to those attending AAPS PharmSci 360 2022 in Boston. We will be on-hand at booth #1147 to meet with formulators and business partners looking for opportunities to discuss their development needs with our experts.

“We have been going to the annual AAPS events since the inception of our company; a decade ago now. These events come every year when we look forward to meeting once again with colleagues and customers alike in the pharmaceutical development space. It is where we come together to discuss technical outcomes and the advancements we’ve experienced. And often we have found it to be an ideal opportunity to identify partnership opportunities between other companies, industry service providers, and potential clients. We always look forward to AAPS every year.” ~ Jim Huang, Ph.D., Founder and CEO

Talk to Experts

Ascendia will have a number of experts ready to discuss your development program.

“Our team will be there to look at partnerships and opportunities, and unlike many of our contemporaries who have experienced lengthened backlogs and delayed distribution of excipients and other types of materials, Ascendia is open for business. We can start a project in as little as two weeks from the signing a nondisclosure agreement (NDA). Everyone in the industry is running up against project deadlines for the end’s year. We look forward to meeting with them at AAPS and letting them know we are here and might be able to help you  out.”  ~ Robert Bloder, Chief Business Officer

What Ascendia offers is the relatability of experience combined with decades of refined expertise. Jim Huang, Ph.D. founded Ascendia with the idea of recognizing that formulations oftentimes are pushed through and they’re not optimized – they’re not reaching their maximum benefit. Dr. Huang set out to rectify this shortcoming he saw from the very beginning, during first in-human work (instead of waiting until significant changes that would inevitably need to be made downstream). It is Dr. Huang’s vision for that early formulation optimization that has set us apart from other CDMOs.

Dr. Ali Joins Ascendia

And now we continue to improve the experience with the addition of experts like Dr. Shaukat Ali, who joins Ascendia as our new Sr. Director of Scientific Affairs and Technical Marketing.


“It is my pleasure to join the Ascendia team. I have been fascinated by Ascendia for almost 10 years. When Jim Huang, Ph.D. opened this company 10 years ago right here in North Brunswick, I was there and he invited me to give a talk on the solubilization technologies and platforms that he really was featuring during the launch of the organization. In my previous role, I was a champion of solubilization technology and I watched Ascendia grow over the years from a distance, as they utilized  and took full advantage of it, as well as the innovative-formulations technologies they had developed.” 
~ Dr. Shaukat Ali, Sr. Director of Scientific Affairs and Technical Marketing.

Ascendia Pharmaceuticals is excited to have Dr Ali join. He brings years of expertise in the excipients and innovative solubilization technologies, including amorphous solid dispersions, lipid-based self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS), and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for orals and liposomes for parenteral delivery has led to the development and marketing of many poorly soluble drug molecules. Dr. Ali has held several key roles in the industry with increasing responsibilities in areas of synthesis, formulations and drug development.

His new role at Ascendia as Sr. Director of Scientific Affairs and Technical Marketing will allow him to apply this knowledge where the business and the science meet, working more directly with clients in helping them solve their challenging formulation and drug development issues. His background in biotech and pharmaceutical organizations and history of working with customers across the industry  can now blend together into this role he steps into with Ascendia.

If you would like to meet Dr Ali in Boston, or any other member of the Ascendia team, please contact us  and we will set up a time to meet with them while we are there!